
Erica Cruz

CEO, Co-founder
Environment & Acoustics

04-05-1987, PT
MSc on Marine Ecology

10+ years of experience on underwater acoustics
Director of Seawind Portugal
Project Manager blueOASIS

Guilherme Beleza Vaz

CTO, Co-founder
Acoustics & HPC
Prof. Dr. Eng.

09-09-1976, PT
MSc on Aerospace Engineering
PhD on Maritime Engineering

18 years of experience in BE, DE, NL
CEO at blueOASIS
Professor UDE, Germany
Visiting Researcher University of Southampton, UK

Paulo Silva Curto

CCO, Co-founder
Business Development

17-01-1974, PT
MSc on Chemical Engineering
Global Management INSEAD

20+ years of Management experience
International Career in Africa, ME, US
CEO at Orianto
Entrepreneur and Advisor.